2 November 2018
Custom-tailored family home
We always take great pride in magazine articles praising homes we have designed. In volume 13, issue 5 of Gerendaházak (a periodical focussing mainly on log houses and other types of wooden buildings), an entire piece was dedicated to a family home in Soroksár designed by Andrea Himer.
We tried to adapt our ideas to the long but rather narrow parcel – adds Edina. We made a simple drawing at home, which I took to Andrea Himer, the designer.
“How about adding a small pantry?” – she asked. “Well, yes, that would be great… but would it fit?” Then she went on, and meticulously added the pantry to the drawing. “And wouldn’t you like a laundry room?” … And this is how the design was fine-tuned to perfection.
Click here to read the full article..
Article by: Edit Boros